About us
New Construction
Office Renovations
ADA Playgrounds
Interim Housing

Charles Ham Associates was created in 2003 as an architectural and planning firm devoted to providing client-based architectural services.  The corner-stone of our practice is satisfying the client's building and planning needs with solid cost effective design solutions.

Mr. Ham, founder and principal of CHA, has extensive experience in the planning and design of public and private architecture with an emphasis in K-12 and university educational school projects.  Mr. Ham is well versed in supporting District's efforts in obtaining DSA, OPSC and CDE approvals for new construction and modernization building programs.

CHA's services include programming, master planning, construction documents, bidding, estimates of probable construction costs, construction services, as well as final project close-out with state agencies.

CHA takes great pride in providing clients with technical documents that are concise, accurate and address client's site and building needs, developed in a timely manner, and are well coordinated with consultant's drawings.

The firm believes that a successful project is one that embraces a team approach. This approach is based on a clear understanding that the client, CM firm, architect, consultants and contractor, work as a cohesive team with a common goal in providing a quality physical environment.  CHA is well versed in providing the client with a project design team consisting of consultants that have prior team experience, working on similar projects over numerous years. This results in a project team that clearly understands what is involved in providing a successful project.

The project team that CHA has developed is flexible, and fully understands that a District's priorities can change at a rapid rate. Our team is well versed in making rapid changes while maintaining the project schedule and document quality.  Maintaining project milestones are a key element in the success of a District project.
